More information
Manuals, tutorials
and guides
The essentials:
- User’s Manual
- Setting up the Dragonfly (step-by-step guide on setting up a real observatory)
- Scripts for the guide above (check the readme file inside)
- Dragonfly express tutorials
- Dragonfly automata
- Troubleshooting the dragonfly
- Dragonfly macros manual (exhaustive!)
Some notable functionalities:
- Dragonfly temperature sensing
- Executing scripts from a USB pen (sample scripts provided)
- Dragonfly humidifier control
- Parking the mount
Other guides:
- Free DragonflyTheSkyX plugin – courtesy of RTI-Zone
Technical information
Firmware and software:
More miscellaneous information:

Programming/scripting section

How to...

Operating modes:
- Operating several Dragonflies
- Dragonfly as a watchdog
- Smartphone app
- Desktop app (smartphone style)
- Dragonfly Zero Configuration Network
- Push notifications
Recovery and prevention:
- Recover the firmware of your controller
- Protect from power failures
- Securing the web page
- Restoring factory network settings
Sensor installations:
- Tilt sensor installation guidelines
- Setting up the Sharp distance sensor with the Dragonfly (short, more details in the “Setting up the Dragonfly” guide above).