Navigation: Main Screen > Settings Tab >
Graphs Side Tab


Create graph
Checked boxes cause the associated graphs to appear under the Graphs tab.
Unchecking this box, automatically deselects the associated image file.


Number of points
Enter the desired number of datapoints here. (See Time Span)


The frequency determines when a point is created. In the example, one point is created every 6 Cycles (see Setup => Device tab and Time span).


Time span
The time derived from the formula: Number of points x Frequency x Cycle (See Setup => Device tab).
The time span forms the x-axis of the graph.


Label colour
Right-click to access the colour selector panel.

Graph colour
Right-click to access the colour selector panel.

Background colour
With the exception of the Temperature graph, the background colour is selected according to the selections made on the Limits tab.
Temperature Background colour
Write description here...

Y-axis limits
With the exception of the Temperature graph, the Y-axis limits are fixed.
Temperature Y-axis limits
Left click to adjust the Temperature graph Y-axis to the desired range.

Image file
Images files will be created for all graphs where this box is checked.
The checkbox is only available if the associated Create graph check box is selected.


Image format
Graph images can be produced in .PNG or .JPEG formats. Deselect the PNG checkbox to select JPEG.
With JPEG selected, further options are available to select the desired quality.

Image file path
Select a writeable location for the graph image files.

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