Virtual Weather Station Setup



The data transfer between Virtual Weather Station and AAG_WeatherCenter is based on a data table (HTML format) which is created every time Virtual Weather Station creates the files to be uploaded to a web site.


This data table has a specific format which is defined by template AAG_WeatherCenterVWS.htx and it is present in the AAG_WeatherCenter directory.


The following procedure outlines the steps required by Virtual Weather Station to activate the creation of this data table and to make AAG_WeatherCenter aware of its existence.






Start Virtual Weather Station and select menu option Internet / HTML Settings.




Add template AAG_WeatherCenterVWS.htx to the template section by pushing LHS Browse button of one of the empty slots.


Step 3:


The template file is available in the directory where AAG_WeatherCenter was installed – by default is:


C:\Program Files\ AAG_WeatherCenter


Step 4:


Activate ON flag on RHS of the slot.


Define the output file by pushing RHS Browse button of the slot


Step 5:


Enter name for the data file. The default name should be:




This file should be placed in a shared directory of one of the local disks.


Suggestion: Use a sub-folder under Shared Documents.


Step 6:


Define Update Timer time interval as 1 minute and press Update button to create file.



This file does not need to be transferred to any internet site.



Step 7:


Start AAG_WeatherCenter and define Weather Station Data File in the initial window (see Operational Considerations)
















In W.Station section of Setup TAB;


Step 8:


If the language used with Virtual Weather Station is different than English re-define the cardinal points symbols, by pressing Cardinal Points Symbols Buttons.